Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Keslo's Choices

We have been talking about using Kelso's Choices to help solve the "small" problems.  Kelso teaches us that "small" problems are problems that we are all smart enough and strong enough to handle on our own. However, "Big" problems, students need to tell an adult immediately! "Big" problems are when we feel scared, worried, or frightened that someone could get hurt.  Some of the examples of small problems students have come up with are:
  • someone making noises when you are trying to work
  • not going "out" after losing your turn in a game
  • pushing or jumping in front of the line
  • swinging too long on the playground
  • not sharing toys during center times
  • cheating during four square
  • not sharing materials during a group project
Some examples of "Big" Problems students have come up with are:
  • throwing rocks on the playground
  • running across the street without an adult
  • strangers
  • someone standing on top of the monkey bars
  • someone stealing from the teacher's desk