Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Friendship Counts

This week, the 4th grade guidance lesson focused on girls and friendships.  We spent lunch together, along with Joy Beth from Gen Austin, and talked about the good things that come with friendships as well as the challenges.  The girls played games that helped show how they each have many things in common such as  things they like to problems they have each experienced with friends.  At the end, Joy Beth  talked with the girls about how sometimes girls assume things about each other that are not always true. In response, each girl wrote "Just Because Poems" and with their permission, I will share a few with you.

Just because I am girly,
Doesn't mean that I don't like to get dirty,
Doesn't mean that I always wear pink,
Doesn't mean I am a cry baby,
I am funny and that's me!

Just because I got a low grade,
Doesn't mean I am dumb,
Doesn't mean I don't try,
Doesn't mean people shouldn't be my friend,
I am smart and kind!

Just because I am a good student,
Doesn't mean I am a teacher's pet,
Doesn't mean I am a nerd,
Doesn't mean I am a tattle tale,
I am an amazing, smart person.

Just because I am a girl that plays with boys,
Doesn't mean I am just like them,
Doesn't mean I am not a girl,
Doesn't mean that I am weird,
I am funny and playful to everyone!

Just because I like to read,
Doesn't mean I don't like sports,
Doesn't mean I don't love the outdoors,
Doesn't mean I don't tell jokes,
I am a very funny kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just because I am not the skinniest person,
Doesn't mean I am fat,
Doesn't mean I don't exercise,
Doesn't mean I'm not cool,
I am a smart, funny person!

Just because I am new,
Doesn't mean I don't know a lot,
Doesn't mean I am not good to hang out with,
Doesn't mean I am not good at things,
I am a generous person!

Just because I am a 9 year old girl,
Doesn't mean I can't dress up,
Doesn't mean I can't watch Dora,
Doesn't mean I can act like someone I'm not,
I am strong and a little kid!

Just because I am a mindchanger,
Doesn't mean I am a gossip teller,
Doesn't mean that I can't be nice,
Doesn't mean I tell secrets,
I am a wonderful person!

Just because I look different,
Doesn't mean I'm not smart,
Doesn't mean I should be left out,
Doesn't mean I can't be told certain things,
I am a smart person.

Just because I am a chatty girl,
Doesn't mean I am not a sporty girl,
Doesn't mean I don't have a personality,
Doesn't mean I don't like to read,
I am a cool Girl!

Just because I am a shy girl,
Doesn't mean I don't talk at all,
Doesn't mean I don't like sports,
Doesn't mean I really don't care,
I am a great and funny girl!

I was so impressed with each one of the girls today.  What a wonderful way to spend lunch :)