Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Power of Teamwork

This week in second grade, we talked about what teamwork looks like not only at team sports or at recess playing kickball, but also in the classroom.  Students watched the above video and then we discussed all the different ways the animals showed teamwork.  Students came up with ideas like:

The animals all worked together
Stayed as a group
Included everyone
Watched out for one another
Followed the leaders directions without argument
Worked for one common goal
Followed directions

After our discussion, we put "teamwork" into action and played "Transformation Rock, Paper, Scissors" that I found here.  Students (including teachers and myself) enjoyed moving through the levels of egg, chicken, dinosaur, and All Knowing Being.  During our reflection circle, students discussed ways they saw teamwork happening.  They also decided they would like to add a few more transformations to the game.

Lesson adapted from Ms. Sepp's Counseling Corner