Thursday, December 6, 2012

Austin Child and Guidance Walk-In Counseling Service

Research has shown that one hour of counseling can help many people to get started in a new direction. Walk-in counseling allows that to happen at a moment in time that best fits the needs of the family. Children up to the age of 17 as well as other family members can be seen without having to wait for an appointment. Parents can be seen without their child to consult about problem behavior, seek advice or get direction. Family members can for be seen for one walk-in session or return for more.

WHEN: Fridays from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. People who walk-in are seen on a first come first serve basis.
WHERE: Austin Child Guidance Center, 810 45th Street
BY WHOM: Qualified mental health professionals who are specially trained to work in this 50-minute format
FEE: Sliding fee scale
FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Please call ACGC at (512) 451-2242
That’s all you have to do! Just walk in and ACGC will have the privilege of assisting you to get started in a direction that you want for you and your child. *Please note that walk-in services do not provide ac-cess to medications, psychiatric emergency services or follow-up psychiatric care. Individuals who are an immediate threat to themselves or others should be sent to the nearest psychiatric emergency room (PES 472-4357 or Shoal Creek 324-2029) or call 911.

Phone: 512-451-2242
Fax: 512-454-9204
810 W. 45th St.
Austin, TX 78751

ACGC thanks the Donald D. Hammill Foundation for their generous contribution to this initiative.
Immediate Services for Immediate Needs